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Rocket Science Room Artistic director, 2013 (ongoing) Rocket Science Room : a psychological, physical, and virtual space to give voice to new ideas and creations; a laboratory for all types of genius. Rocket Science Room is currently located in Tiohtiá:ke (Montreal, Canada) and facilitates live events, such as music, readings, lectures, workshops, screenings, and art performances, et cetera. Since its inception, Rocket Science Room has held nearly 100 events featuring local, national, and international guests. . music 04.01.25 ~ MidField 13 Holiday Mixer Relay (open table) 31.10.24 ~ MidField 12 w/ Jordan Torres Bussière + Widdershins + Kazuki Koga 12.09.24 - Moth's Frog + Spookey Ruben + Thunderclap! 25.07.24 ~ MidField 11 w/ Philippe Vandal + IRL + Philippe-Aubert Gauthier 11.07.24 ~ MidField 10 w/ Naegleria + Lazarus + Stan K 30.05.24 ~ MidField 09 w/ Hwere + Richard 16.05.24 ~ James Irwin + L Con 28.03.24 ~ MidField 08 w/ G. Sasseville + Skin Tone + Racine 28.12.23 ~ MidField 07 Festivus Holiday (open table) 11.10.23 ~ MidField 06 w/ MOAB, Paxillus Succubus, Augur's Wand 31.08.23 ~ MidField 05 w/ Public Reptile (Blake Hargreaves) + Fumerolles (Fred Duval) + Seulement (Mathieu A Seulemennt) 27.07.23 ~ MidField 04 w/ Rony + Émilie Mouchous + Bad Faith Actor 25.05.23 ~ MidField 03 w/ Emiddio Vasquez (CY) + Lowebrau + Ruben Kemp (NL) 27.04.23 ~ MidField 02 w/ Axiom + Audréanne Fillion and Antoine Bourgault + Orchestroll 30.03.23 ~ MidField 01 w/ Simone Provencher + Stan K + Orchid Lodge 03.04.20 ~ The Forks + Kathleen Hamilton (online) 05.03.20 ~ Alphabets + Skeleton Zoo + Rêves Sonores + N NAO&Joni Void 17.02.20 ~ Greg Halpin + Ryan Stotland + Andrew Shaver 08.02.20 ~ Brontae Hunter + Jules Nominal 01.02.20 ~ Tamara Weber + La Valérie 25.01.20 ~ Let's Be Giants + Bud Rice 13.12.19 ~ Campbell Woods + Claude Munson 23.11.19 ~ Graham Nicolas + Claire Morrison 14.11.19 ~ Cassie Noble w/ Blonde Wolf + Marianne Gavin 02.10.19 ~ Wax Mannequin + Hush Hush Noise 25.05.19 ~ Shawn William Clarke + Svavar Knútur 24.05.19 ~ Adyn Townes + Val Thomas 17.05.19 ~ Ben Hermann + Rose-Erin Stokes 16.05.19 ~ Andrea Cormier + Sasha Cay + Paul Lucyk 9.05.19 ~ River of Diamonds + Michael Feuerstack 30.04.19 ~ Sherry Ryan + Bobby Dove 27.04.19 ~ Steven Lambke + Le Ren 15.04.19 ~ Jackie Rae Daniels + Gabrielle Yøda Noël Bégin 6.04.19 ~ Danielle Knibbe + Emily Rockarts + Jesse Daniel Smith 29.03.19 ~ Secret Drum Band + Jamie Woollard + LESS 9.03.19 ~ Claire Coupland + Campbell Woods + DRFTR 28.2.19 ~ Rachel Beck + Eva Foote 9.2.19 ~ ZINNIA + In Hock 8.2.19 ~ Rube & Rake + Mike McKenna Jr 1.12.18 ~ Abigail Lapell + Anna Atkinson + ZINNIA 9.9.18 ~ Kira Sheppard + Jake Nicoll + Ilia Nicoll 30.8.18 ~ Ben Kunder + Geneviève Racette 1.7.17 ~ Roxanne Potvin + Dana Sipos + Owen Steel + Geneviève Racette 10.3.17 ~ Plumes Ensemble Deconstructs Grimes + Doug Tielli 27.5.17 ~ Cedric Noel + Dan Misha Goldman + Tender Threads 16.12.16 ~ Milo McMahon + Abigail Lapell + Heavy on the Willie 12.10.16 ~ Rae Spoon + Echo Beach 7.11.15 ~ The Woodshed Orchestra + Amanda Balsys + Abigail Lapell 3.5.15 ~ Dana Sipos + Ben Hermann + Fruiting Bodies 3.4.15 ~ Heavy on the Willie + Dr. Realist's Comeback Tour + The Muted Note: Songs Based on Poems by P.K. Page 5.3.15 ~ Bobby Dove + BluesReel 13.11.14 ~ Big Mama Lele + Elana Stoodley 11.10.14 ~ Sarah Jane Scouten + Medeline Leman + Ryan McNally 11.9.14 ~ Tamara Sandor + Jessica Moore + Abigail Lapell 21.8.14 ~ Derek G Harrison + Max Marshall 24.7.14 ~ Emily Millard (aka Miss Emily Brown) + ari swan 16.5.14 ~ Abigail Lapell + Jenny Berkel + James Irwin .. readings 17.12.24 - Proper Pockets Chapbook Launch w/ Stuart Ross + Peter Dubé + Claudia Souto Cuello 15.06.24 ~ Modular Synthesis: Patching Machines and People (book release show and talk w/ Jonathan Sterne + Ky Brooks + Lisa Conway 02.05.20 ~ Vallum Magazine Launch, 17:1 "Home" (online) w/ Carolyn Marie Souaid + Devon Gallant + Natalie Hanna + Ellen Chang-Richardson + Frances Boyle + Jessica Bebenek + Rae Marie Taylor + Noah Zacharin + Matt Carland + Esmé Pine + Sean Sokolov + Josh Stewart + Kyla Jamieson 29.11.19 ~ Vallum Chapbook Launch Finding Places to Make Places by Alexei Perry Cox + Swelles by Sina Queyras 11.10.19 ~ Death of Futurism w/ readings and performances by Melissa Bull + Paige Cooper + Dean Garlick + James Goddard + Kaie Kellough 05.10.19 ~ Vallum Magazine, 16:2 "Fear" w/ Jan Conn + Jan Jorgensen + Carolyn Marie Souaid + Alex Manley + Lou Vani + emilie kneifel + Frances Boyle + Brian Campbell + Rod Kessler, on behalf of Malcolm Miller + Christian Favreau + Alexei Perry Cox + Andy McGuire + more! 26.09.19 ~ Poetry Book Launch w/ Stuart Ross + Hugh Thomas + Sarah Burgoyne 4.5.19 ~ Vallum Chapbook and Magazine Launch Art of Surgery by A. F. Moritz + Vallum 16:1 "Connections" w/ Mary Catherine Shea + Mark Grenon + Deanna Radford + Bryan Sentes + Erin Robinsong + M. W. Jaeggle + Evan J + Joshua Levy 16.10.18 ~ Vallum Magazine Launch, 15:2 "The Chase" w/ Lesley Pasquin + Eva Rodrigues + Claudia Coutu Radmore + Jessi MacEachern + Pamela Lisa 29.4.17 ~ Vallum Magazine Launch, 15:1 "Memory and Loss" w/ Devon Gallant + Greg Santos + Marcela Huerta + Gavin Currie + Blaine Marchand + Noah Zacharin + Brent Raycroft 27.7.17 ~ Desert Pets Press Launch w/ Jess Taylor + Jessica Bebenek + Jessie Jones 25.4.17 ~ Vallum Magazine Launch, 14:2 "Evolution" w/ Catriona Wright + Alan Reed + Kian Vaziri-Tehrani + Jeffrey Mackie + Maureen Korp + Tara Dourian + Adam Lawrence; hosted by Brad MacDonald 30.10.15 ~ Coach House Books Launch w/ Joshua Trotter + Andrew Battershill + Andy McGuire + Rhonda Mullins + Christian Bök + Jess Taylor talks 24.11.18 ~ General Audience #15 "Musical Composition & Songwriting" w/ Jordan Perry + Krista Muir + Tanya Davis 20.10.18 ~ General Audience #14 "Indulgence" w/ Jeremiah Bullied + Hugo Jacques + Chrissy Durcak + Peter X 20.5.17 ~ Metatron Press, "Poetry In the Age of Surveillance" w/ Sarah Jean Grimm + Liz Bowen + Georgia Faust; moderated by Jacob Wren + Ashley Obscura 1.4.17 ~ General Audience #13 "Music Makers and the Music that Makes Them" w/ Eye-shy + Briga + Woodpigeon + Michael Feuerstack + Risa Dickens + Ricky Leach + Tamara Sandor + DJ Backthrowa 11.2.17 ~ General Audience #12 "Prisons" w/ Morgan M Page + Prisoner Correspondence Project + Sheena Hoszko + Patricia Boushel + Nika Khanjani 19.11.16 ~ General Audience #11 "Pornography" w/ Mark Mann + Emily Sirota + Sarah Beall 22.10.16 ~ General Audience #10 "Fear" w/ open audience 10.9.16 ~ General Audience #9 "Outer Space" w/ Kate Howells + Mathieu Vick + Rebecca Noone 23.7.16 ~ General Audience #8 "Garbage" w/ Dr. Nathan Curry + Jessica Bebenek + Kimberlee Clarke 14.5.16 ~ General Audience #7 "Magic" w/ Matt Risk + Grant McSorley 9.4.16 ~ General Audience #6 "Dating" w/ open audience 12.3.16 ~ General Audience #5 "Sound" w/ Benoit Alary + Steve Bates + Kathy Kennedy 13.2.16 ~ General Audience #4 "Taste" w/ Jeremiah Bullied + Erin Maguire workshops 25.11.17 ~ "Intention: Where Does the Poem Want to Go w/ Jami Macarty comedy shows 3.5.19 ~ Jordan Foisy in "The I'm Back on My Anti-Depressants Comedy Tour!" w/ TBA Hosted by Steve Patrick Adams. 5.4.19 ~ I believe there is a comedy show here 2 ... w/ Viveth Kanagaratnam + Jason Celin + Melina Maria Trimarchi + Michelle Dominique + Michelle Dominique + Aurora Knaut + Serag Meletian. Music by Dalec Otherland. Hosted by Steve Patrick Adams. 1.3.19 ~ I believe there is a comedy show here ... w/ Rodney Ramsey + Amanda McQueen + Travis Canon + Rena Taylor + Jacob Greco. Hosted by Steve Patrick Adams. To read more about Rocket Science Room events, visit our website: rocketscienceroom.weebly.com |